Medical Abortion

Medical Abortion (Abortion Pill)

The main points

  • Medical abortion offers a safe and common method to end a pregnancy of up to 9 weeks.
  • A combination of the tablets mifepristone and misoprostol are used for medical abortion.
  • It is usual to experience heavy vaginal bleeding and strong abdominal (tummy) pain and cramping during a medical abortion.
  • Medical abortion is not suitable for all people seeking abortion.
  • There are many abortion service providers located across Victoria in a range of health services and private practices.

It is estimated that around a quarter of all pregnancies in Australia are unplanned. For many people abortion, also known as termination of pregnancy, is the best option in their circumstances. Abortion is a safe and common method to end a pregnancy.

There are two types of abortion: medical and surgical. Both are low-risk and have a high success rate.

Some services offer medical abortion through telehealth appointments.

In Australia, medical abortion can be performed up to nine weeks of pregnancy.


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