
Patient Information


Goldfields Medical Group is proud to be an Accredited General Practice. What this means is that our practice has passed the stringent assessment of AGPAL (Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited) in achieving the standard of excellence in General Practice.

This is an ongoing process, with re-accreditation every three years.

Further details may be obtained via the AGPAL website.

AGPAL Accredited

Fees and Billing

Information about our clinic fees, billing procedure and bulk-billing policy can be found by clicking here.

Prescriptions for Drugs of Dependence

It is our clinic policy that drugs of dependence, including Schedule 8 Controlled Drugs (narcotic painkillers) and certain sedatives, will not be prescribed to new patients at their first appointment. These medications have strict legislative controls regarding their use and they are illegal to prescribe without a valid Government-issued permit.

Repeat Scripts and Referrals

It is the policy of this practice that patients are required to make an appointment for repeat prescriptions. Please specify that it is for a repeat prescription only.

Referrals to medical specialists require an appointment with your doctor prior to the specialist visit. The back-dating of referrals is disallowed by law and Goldfields Medical Group reserves the right to decline such requests. It is the responsibility of the patient to confirm with their specialist that they have a valid referral prior to their appointment.

Referrals are an important means of communication to the specialist, and not just a Medicare requirement to enable claiming of rebates for the visit.

Test Results

When your doctor requests pathology or radiology investigations for you, the results are normally available within 2 to 3 working days for standard tests. However, the results of more specialised tests may take longer. Please discuss this with your doctor, or the pathology or radiology provider, if you have any queries.

Your doctor may request that you book a follow-up consultation to discuss your results, especially if the interpretation is complex or requires further action. Alternatively, you may be contacted by sms, phone or mail regarding your test results.

However, as it is not always possible to contact patients, for example due to changed phone numbers or addresses, it remains the patient’s responsibility to contact the clinic if they have not received their results.

Please do not assume that your results are normal if you have not been contacted by the clinic.

Patient Reminder System

Goldfields Medical Group provides patients with a free reminder service for scheduled events such as upcoming appointments, follow-up pathology or radiology tests, and required clinical reviews. This is via SMS for patients with a confirmed mobile phone number. Patients without a mobile phone will receive reminders by post. It is the responsibility of the patient to ensure that they inform reception of any changes to their contact details to protect the personal nature of such communications.

If you wish to opt out of this service, please inform your doctor, practice nurse or reception staff.

My Health Record

Goldfields Medical Group uses a computer-based medical record system that can interact with the Australian My Health Record. Patients can elect to have a personally controlled, password-protected electronic health record created that can include a medication list, allergy list, medical condition list, immunisation history, and prescription record.

Having a My Health Record means that, with the patient’s permission, other doctors and hospitals within Australia can see important medical information about a patient, improving safety and continuity of treatment. This is ideal for those with complex medical conditions, and also for travellers within Australia in case they need to seek medical care.

In the future, it will also be possible to include pathology and x-ray results, as well as hospital and specialist letters.

Please speak with your doctor if you are interested in registering for a My Health Record.

Privacy Statement

The protection of the privacy of your personal medical records is of utmost importance to us, and we will not release information contained within your records to family, friends or others in any form (verbally, in writing, or electronically) without your permission.

Our clinic has in place a privacy protocol that fully complies with state and federal privacy legislation. It is the policy of our clinic to maintain the strictest security and confidentiality of your personal health information.

As a fully computerised medical practice, all your records are stored electronically. Access to these files is restricted by password and all electronic communication with pathology and radiology providers, as well as specialists, is via secure encrypted connections.

Please speak with reception if you would like to view our clinic Privacy Policy or view a copy here: Goldfields Medical Group: Privacy Brochure 

Transferring Records to Another Practice

If you wish to have a copy or summary of your medical record transferred to another practice, your signed consent requesting such transfer must be received from another medical practitioner.

For the transfer of an entire family’s records, signed consent must be provided by each member over 16 years of age, in order to comply with privacy policy.

Depending on the size and complexity of your file, a fee may be charged to you for copying, collating and sending the record on your behalf.

Please note that your original record will be retained by Goldfields Medical Group as required by law.

Baby Change Facility

For your convenience, there is a fold-out baby change table located in the patient toilet area.

Disabled Facilities

Our clinic provides access and facilities for the disabled, and our staff are keen to assist in any way required.

There is disabled parking immediately outside the front of our clinic, internal ramps, as well as disabled toilet facilities within the clinic.

We also have a wheelchair that may be used to help move patients from their vehicle to the clinic.

Please enquire with our receptionists if you need assistance.

Zero Tolerance of Unacceptable Behaviour

For the safety and consideration of our staff and patients, we will not tolerate any behaviour that is threatening, abusive, violent or aggressive.

Any person conducting themselves in this way will be asked to leave the premises immediately. Non-compliance with such a request will result in police intervention.

In circumstances where there is recurrent unacceptable behaviour, it is our policy to remove offenders from our patient list.

Feedback and Complaints

We strive to deliver a quality family medical service and appreciate feedback from our patients. We consider this as an opportunity for improvement and invite patients to discuss any concerns with their doctor, or to complete a Patient Feedback/Complaint form which is available from our reception.

Alternatively, comments may be placed in the Suggestion Box on the table opposite the reception desk, or patients may contact our Practice Manager, Belinda Carra on 5472 3233

Electronic communication of a non-medical nature can be via our business e-mail: reception@goldfieldsmedicalgroup.com.au


INSYNC: Voice of the Patient REPORT 2024

If you wish to take your complaint to an external authority, you may contact the:

Health Complaints Commissioner

Level 26, 570 Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000
Phone: 1300 582 113


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